It's very gloomy in my hometown. The kind of gloomy that makes you want to take eerie photos and eat soup. I feel like a little sunshine could turn everything around.
Have my fellow hobby photographers out there played around with fisheye lenses? Not always flattering for people, but it can make for some really unique landscapes...or super creepy stairwells.
There is something about the combination of the fisheye and black and white that I really, really love. Shooting these made me really miss shooting with black and white film, and hanging out in dark rooms.
I have been sick lately, so my time has been filled with becoming overly emotionally invested in mediocre independent movies on Netflix, tawdry television, and taking an egregious amount of naps. Therefore, I have nothing interesting to say. I am hoping that the pictures themselves will pass for interesting.
This is my go to song, whenever the weather takes a turn for the worst and I start to feel restless. I hope things turn around post-haste.
This dress is not the only thing in my life that went through a drastic change...
This week has been scary and exciting. I had my first week working as a seamstress. To be completely honest, I spent a majority of the time geeking out over the awesomeness of industrial sewing machines. I already feel like I am learning so much. I think it will really increase the quality of the things I make, which is outstanding. Plus, I am getting paid which is always good.
It's crazy to think that a year ago, my parents gave me a sewing machine for Christmas, and now I am completely in love with the craft, and looking to make a career doing it.
Also, this happened...
I have been on a complete 90's kick lately. Something heart-wrenching and nostalgic about a good 90's rock ballad. My personal favorite...
Song I can't stop listening to: The Freshman // The Verve Pipe
I have a weird affinity for animal sweaters, but living in Wisconsin, it is difficult to wear anything with a badger on it without everyone thinking I'm making a statement about my sports preferences. And then commenting on it. Truth is, I just like the badger. It's weird and awesome. I don't, however, like being mistaken for some sort of super-fan. When I saw these sweaters with collars, I had an idea that would transform the sweater I have had for some time.
Adding a collar to it makes it far to cutesy to be associated with any sports team. Precisely my goal. I love when layering two things that you already own creates something with a completely different feel. By the way, that gal up there is my new dress form. (Name TBA)
I had a surprise morning off, so Alex and I went on a little Sun-date. Coffee and Crepes. Or creepies, as I like to call them.
It was my goal to take some pictures of recent projects today, but again, this is Wisconsin. The windchill is something like -10. I was born in this weather, I can endure, but I think I'll wait a couple days when it feels more like 3 degrees.
Song I cannot stop listening to today: Home is Not Places//The Apache Relay
Stay warm, Wisconsin brethren! If you live somewhere warm, shhh.
The bad news: I have been completely slacking on the blogesphere. I have let far too many projects go undocumented and it is sad and pathetic.
The good news: My boyfriends parents got me a dress form for christmas, and I introduce to you the first dress I made using it!!! And I only needed one yard of fabric. That's INSANE.
It's a wildly comfortable sweatshirt type material. I hate when people assume that just because I am wearing a dress, I must not be comfortable. Let's be real. Dresses are wildly comfortable. Especially this one. So comfortable, I made a hood for it...and then my roommates convinced me that it was far too weird.
What do you think? Are hooded dresses the best thing since sliced bread, or should I be content knowing I get to wander around town in a sweatshirt and have people think that I tried...
Total Cost: $1.50. HOT DAMN.
Sorry it's been forever, but the projects I have in store will probably make up for it. Just sayin.
Song I can't stop listening to today: Girlfriend//Streets of Laredo
Seriously, it's catchy as lace. (Sewing girls, please say you laughed at that joke)
If you are not a doctor who fan, I apologize...because then the title of this post just seems creepy.
Sometimes when I am utterly sick of my surroundings, I try to channel a little doctor who in my outfit, and pretend that I can time travel at any time.
(That picture is the sun setting in this gorgeous place I live)
If time travel were an option for you, where do you think you would go? I think I would love to live in the time of Jane Austen. that's definitely where I belong. Girls didn't wear pants. Cross-stitching made them accomplished. The dresses are breathtaking. However, I would have to be in a wealthy family, because being in poverty at that time was particularly awful.
Oh well. Until my tardis arrives, I will have to continue living in this land wear animal print is acceptable and women have to have real jobs to be considered successful.
People have been regularly touring our house to rent for next year. I personally think it's insane how early people begin to look for houses, but it is what it is. Awkward things are bound to happen when other people are coming into your home to picture themselves living there.
Awkward thing #1: A girl looking in my room and saying, "OMG your headboard is like...wood." She then continued to look at the pictures I had up, and was wondering if she could find anyone she knew. Meanwhile, I was in my pajamas.
Awkward thing #2: Being locked out of my own room, and attempting to pick the lock as I hear a tour group coming up the stairs. They find me kneeling outside of my door with a knife and a screwdriver.
Awkward thing #3: Me forgetting to throw away the remnants after cleaning out my brush this morning, so a group of five guys were welcomed to my room by an abnormally large clump of human hair sitting on the table in the doorway. Sorry bout it.
I am counting the days until someone signs a lease on this dump. I say dump in a loving case you one of the many who has been round these parts.
Featuring photos of Sir Alex, because they make me happy.
Well it's the time of year where I have to start thinking about pants. Let me tell you, this is not a good thing for me. Pants are just so much...harder. So in light of the upcoming fall season, I hacked up this boring red dress and made a cutesy little peplum top.
Fall is actually my favorite season, but at the very moment I am hating it. And let me explain why. Because as I am writing this, all of the bros and brosephines who live around me are moving back for the school year. Life without them has been...quiet. Since they have gotten back:
a. Firecrackers. Stupid.
b. Chants of U.S.A!, U.S.A!, U.S.A!
(You have to lower your voice about five octaves before chanting, of course)
c. Substantially more police sirens. Youths.
d. 90's music constantly echoing through the neighborhood.
e. Weaving my bike in and out of crushed beer cans.
f. Drunk girls asking me if this is where the party is. No. This is my house.
Why is it that I feel like I am 22 going on 90? For real. I don't mean to be a total buzzkill, it's just that I really appreciate chant-less sleeping. I can't wait to be a real grown up. And live around other grown ups. Who have bedtimes. And jobs.
I have stayed away from circle skirts because they are really time consuming and involve a lot of fabric. However, if you use something that is already round, and hemmed on the end...something like a tablecloth? Yes! Brilliant! I am so proud of myself! I found this tribal table cloth at an antique shop for $4 and I couldn't pass up the pattern, even though we don't have an actual table for me to put it on. What can I say, we're in college. We eat in our beds. But I had to use it for something!
There is a little math required for a circle skirt. The circumference of the circle will be the measurement of your waist, or where you want to waist to hit. Mark down that measurement as "c". You will have to fold the fabric in half, then in half again to form a triangle. You will now figure out the radius using the following equation: r = c / (2 x 3.14159). (Yes, that's pi! Hey there high school math!) You will need to allow a little extra for the seam.
From here, measure that distance from the point of the triangle, and create a curved line. Cut this line, and this will be the opening for your waist. Cut down a straight line down the back to create a seam.
The waist band was going to look better if it started at the pattern, so I removed pie-shaped segments from the skirt to make it smaller, and sewed along that curve. Once you've sewn your waist line, sew in an invisible zipper on the back seam. Finish off the seam, and you have a circle skirt. This whole process took me around 45 minutes and I was very satisfied!
Warning: This skirt will cause excessive twirling, and may have side effects. These side effects include dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo, and nausea.
You think I'm joking, but the afternoon I spent twirling in this skirt almost lead to me vomiting on the side of the path you see below while yelling, "Can't stop twirling. Skirt so full. Must twirl."
Song I can't stop listening to today: Hey Ho/The Lumineers
This song is best listened to while making pancakes. Good day!
I usually enjoy things that most other people are hideous. Which is why, whenever I hear people laughing at thrift stores, I turn to see what they found. Chances are, I'll love it. That is exactly what happened with this sea shell romper. I shortened up the bottoms, switched up the neckline, and now it's wonderful! I apologize for the horrendous before picture.
A lot of things are changing. New blog layout (ah hem!) that I slaved over. One day I'll get the hang of these things. What do you think? The roomies say it seems more adult, which leaves me with mixed feelings. I am giving ombre hair a try, courtesy of a lovely up-and-coming hair genius named Paul.
I used to live right next to a building that was perfect for picture taking. But since I moved, I have had a hard time finding a home for my blog pictures. So, I have decided to take blog pictures in some of my favorite places in La Crosse, and that way you guys can understand why I love it here, and why I am getting nervous about saying goodbye to this place.
I'm just trying to soak up some of the last bits of Wisconsin summer, before I inevitably freeze to death.
And my official pick for song of the summer is: Photosynthesis by Frank Turner.
While this song is not new by any means, it's just so...relevant.
So usually when I go thrifting, I stumble into the store, half asleep, hair uncombed, chai tea latte in hand, hoping to god I see no one I know because I may/may not still be wearing an outfit from the night before. Is that shameful? Too bad, I have no shame. I usually graze the racks waiting for something to amaze me. Often times, I walk out with nothing. When I first started, I got something almost every time because I was far too easily impressed with finds. Now, I expect much more out of my little adventures. Today, I scored. And I'm talking big time. I would through a sports analogy your way if I could think of any sports analogies that were suitable. Who am I kidding, if I could think of any sports analogies period.
So here's the play by play. I walk in, looking pretty disheveled. I spot from across the room a tan tartan pattern associated with Burberry. Now I'm not exactly into brand name anything, since a majority of my clothing has an old woman's name scribbled over where the brand would be, but this was exciting to me. I ran over. Like actually ran. Halfway through I realized I was running and became a little embarrassed, but kept running anyway. I got to it, and could not wait to try it on. I looked up on my phone how to tell it was authentic, and it was! My first thought, I am so going to sell this on eBay. Then I tried it on and thought, and I am so never going to sell this ever.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this shirt retails for over $300. I paid a mere $2.99. If I never thrift again, I will die knowing, I one day witnessed a true thrifting miracle. Good day.
Song I can't stop listening to: (seriously, like errryday) Capitol City/Wilco
I always hesitate to explain how I do things because most of the time it's so simple like this, but I have gotten some requests for more demonstrations so here you are! Often times skirts can be transformed into something fun and fashionable in literally no time at all. People act like you must have some sort of sorcery powers to have come up with such magic, but it's really as easy as pie. I have come across so many skirts that I would have passed over before I began sewing, just because I didn't like the length. This floral skirt I found thrifting for $2 is a prime example. Here's how I haphazardly transformed this skirt in under 15 minutes. It's simple but effective.
1. Try the skirt on. Examine possible lengths. A mirror is really your best friend at this point.
2. Fold the skirt up to the desired length.
3. Pin the front of the skirt so you can remember this length when you are no longer in the skirt
4. Measure the length all around to make sure it's even, and finish pinning the skirt.
5. Sew the skirt by machine, or by hand. I almost always choose machine unless the fabric absolutely requires it because it's monumentally faster, and I have the attention span of a tiny bug. Just zip that puppy through.
Wahla! Combined with a shirt I thrifted for $3, this outfit cost me $5 total! That sounds like cause for celebration.
And I shall celebrate with one of my favorite happy tunes: Plage by Crystal Fighters
Warning: Unless you have consumed some sort of hallucinogen, don't look directly at this music video. Also steer clear if you are prone to seizures like myself. :)
This summer has been scorching hot. Like I don't want to eat because the process of taking something out of the refrigerator would result in me sweating. But, I am not a hair up sort of girl. That has to do with several ear surgeries as a child that has left me embarrassed about my deformed weirdo ears. However, I have finally found a way to combine fashion and my ear fears. A summer trend I am loving is hair scarves. You can tie them any which way, they have a pretty retro feel, and absorb the sweat that may/may not be accumulating on your neck.
I can be found most hot days rocking a hair scarf, even though my roommate told me I look like the help from "The Help." This is a super short post, I know, but there is a very special reason for that...and I will share that reason tomorrow. For now, get yo hairs up and go outside! I know I'm going to...
So, since it's hot and I'm feeling a little dizzy at the moment, can I admit that I absolutely love the song Payphone by Maroon 5? It's not my usual style, but it's so gosh darn catchy. I'm sharing it, however, because the music video is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Plus all of my roommates, boys and girls, completely want Adam Levine. Alas, it's the song I can't stop listening to today...
You know the commercial for Pretzel M&M's where the pretzel jumps into the M&M creating something that's far superior and magical? Well that is sort of what I attempted today. I saw this shirt when I was shopping that was a lace tank top with a denim collar, and denim down the middle by the buttons. Needless to say, I fell in love. However, we were shopping for some shorts for my boyfriend, and I had purposefully left my purse at home so I would not spend any money. Plus it was $30. So I decided to make my own. I found a lace-esque shirt, as well as a denim shirt and fused them together to make the super shirt I had been hoping for. I included a little DIY for y'all, so you can have one of your own.
Time: 1-2 hours (but I'm a putz)
Cost: $2 for the two shirts ($1.20 and $0.70 can you believe it?!)
Difficulty: Jedi Initiate
Materials: Scissors, Shirts, Sewing Machine, White Thread, Pins
So here are the two shirts that I used for this project. It really doesn't matter which you choose, just make sure you like the colors together, the materials will work well in your machine, and that they are the same size. If they are different sizes, the collars will not be the same size and you may run in to a pickle. Before you start, remove the buttons from the lace shirt, do any ironing that may be necessary, and prepare your work space.
Step One: Remove the collar/button area from the denim shirt
Step Two: Remove the top part of the collar from the lace shirt, and my top part I mean cut off the part that folds over. You will be left with about a half inch of fabric.
Step Three: Replace the white collar with the denim collar, place the remaining white part on the inside of the denim. These should line up just about perfectly. Insert pins around the collar and down the middle by the buttons or snaps.
Step Four: Sew together the pieces that you have just pinned, starting with the collar to make room for adjustments.
Now if you are going for a seventies vibe, then you can stop here. If not, look forward.
Step Five: Remove the sleeves from the shirt, and pin the armholes at your desired width. Mine ended up being around two inches
Step Six: Finish off the armholes by sewing the edge you just cut inward. I had to add darts at the bust to make the sleeves sit correctly, but I think that just depends on the lace shirt you start out with.
Have you guys heard the Avett Brothers new song? It's called Live and Die, and they released it from their upcoming album The Carpenter. You know I'm a sucker for the Avett Brothers, and knowing I have to wait until September 11th for the new cd makes me about pee my pants.
Anyway, it's the song I can't stop listening to today: Live and Die/The Avett Brothers
Great song. And what you have been hearing from me in the past month. I am so very sorry, but I think when you see what I am about to show you, I will be on the road to forgiveness. So, I moved into a new apartment with five lovely roommates that I adore oh so much. More on them later. But, unlike last year, we are not allowed to paint. My room is an awkward off white, with hideous maroon carpet. Yet, I was determined to make my room gorgeous. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the big reveal...
And the best part, is the amount of money, or lack there of that I spent on this piece of paradise. Everything in this room was either made or thrifted. A shout out to my spectacular boyfriend (and cohabitant), as well as his father, who understood my scatterbrained sketches and helped build the combined desk, dress rack, headboard, etc. Although they thought I was crazy during most of the planning process, who can argue with these results?? I never ever want to leave my room, but that is a good thing for you because that means lots of sewing, and I have some awesome clothing transformations coming up for you this week. Maybe a few DIY's are in order for some of my bedroom treasures? Let me know what you want to make, and I'll tell you how!
Thanks for being patient with me. I really appreciate all of you.