July 25, 2012

Quick Fix: Hemming a Skirt

I always hesitate to explain how I do things because most of the time it's so simple like this, but I have gotten some requests for more demonstrations so here you are!  Often times skirts can be transformed into something fun and fashionable in literally no time at all.  People act like you must have some sort of sorcery powers to have come up with such magic, but it's really as easy as pie.  I have come across so many skirts that I would have passed over before I began sewing, just because I didn't like the length.  This floral skirt I found thrifting for $2 is a prime example.  Here's how I haphazardly transformed this skirt in under 15 minutes. It's simple but effective.

1.  Try the skirt on.  Examine possible lengths.  A mirror is really your best friend at this point.
2.  Fold the skirt up to the desired length.
3.  Pin the front of the skirt so you can remember this length when you are no longer in the skirt
4.  Measure the length all around to make sure it's even, and finish pinning the skirt.
5.  Sew the skirt by machine, or by hand.  I almost always choose machine unless the fabric absolutely requires it because it's monumentally faster, and I have the attention span of a tiny bug.  Just zip that puppy through.

Wahla! Combined with a shirt I thrifted for $3, this outfit cost me $5 total! That sounds like cause for celebration.

And I shall celebrate with one of my favorite happy tunes: Plage by Crystal Fighters

Warning: Unless you have consumed some sort of hallucinogen, don't look directly at this music video.  Also steer clear if you are prone to seizures like myself. :)

July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday, and it was magical.  Mainly due to my boyfriend who made sure that I did everything my weird little heart desired, like find the 30 foot eyeball.

Also, I was able to go to my favorite vintage store and he got me 2 dresses! (eek!) and an awesome shirt that I'll have to show you guys very soon.  As for now, I am still celebrating.

July 1, 2012

Summer Trends that Make Me Giddy

This summer has been scorching hot.  Like I don't want to eat because the process of taking something out of the refrigerator would result in me sweating.  But, I am not a hair up sort of girl.  That has to do with several ear surgeries as a child that has left me embarrassed about my deformed weirdo ears.  However, I have finally found a way to combine fashion and my ear fears.  A summer trend I am loving is hair scarves.  You can tie them any which way, they have a pretty retro feel, and absorb the sweat that may/may not be accumulating on your neck.  
I can be found most hot days rocking a hair scarf, even though my roommate told me I look like the help from "The Help."  This is a super short post, I know, but there is a very special reason for that...and I will share that reason tomorrow.  For now, get yo hairs up and go outside!  I know I'm going to...

So, since it's hot and I'm feeling a little dizzy at the moment, can I admit that I absolutely love the song Payphone by Maroon 5?  It's not my usual style, but it's so gosh darn catchy.  I'm sharing it, however, because the music video is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.  Plus all of my roommates, boys and girls, completely want Adam Levine.  Alas, it's the song I can't stop listening to today...